

chapter I            1
hitler’s inauguration            2
no-so-subtle anti-semitism      3
chapter II            4

(incomplete copy)
Brainwashing in its most massive and destructive form.  hitler had years to subtly and cleverly weave his finely tuned words into the minds of the germans, beginning with propaganca so benign, most people would hardly see any radical or conflicting beliefs leaping off the pages-warning signs of what was to come- such as;  Hitler’s beliefs and “solutions”  to racial conflict, desire for world comination, genocide, and the like . . . he wrote about unemployment and possible solutions to political shortcomings, only to slowly contaminate each letter, packet, pamphlet with a little bit of racism here and a little bit of distaste for the way europe treated germany in other there . . . (a sore spot, so soon after wwi). 
hitler didn’t simply slam his radical ideas onto the people all at once – he used a carefully laid out formula of subtlety, time ,patience, and a lot  of patriotism (this does not mean that the changes were fully welcomed and there was no bloodshed.  The nazis tolerated no dissension or political challange and were brutal in their responses, as well as extreme in their propaganda crusade (see blog below for details).  Then there was the odd “pied piper” effect that bedazzled millions upon millions.  Even with doubts, how do you look around at your fellow citizens and friends and family and still resiist?  and then comes the punishment.  there is always a negative consequence involved in non-conformity within a totalitarian regime such as this (which is analagous to ccm, tb, high impact,  etc, etc, etc.  -  fill in the blank.  hitler was able to naturally manipulate all of the theories that i discussed in my paper, and it came to him naturally.  he became like a drug.  (though not really the case of these wwasp programs, it still becomes very difficult to dissassimilate from the communal whole and reintegrate into society – creating an intense fear (in my case)- of leaving the hostile and tremendously unhappy environment)…..
After the death of Hindenburg on 2 August 1934, Hitler called a
referendum to approve his assumption of full power as Führer and Chancellor ofGermany. Rudolf Hess gave this speech on 14 August 1934, shortly before the 19August referendum in which 90% of the voters approved Hitler's increasedpowers.
Electing Adolf Hitler 
Führer/hitler q & a session  on race/hheritage
by Rudolf Hess:
“National Socialists! Fellow German citizens!
I have rarely given a speech as difficult as this one. It is a challenge to attempt to
prove the good of something as obvious as Hitler's assumption of Hindenburg's
position. For fourteen years I have been convinced that he is the only man able to
master Germany's fate. This conviction has grown over the years, as the original
emotional feeling found new support in endless ways that have demonstrated
Adolf Hitler's remarkable leadership abilities. It is hard for me, now that I see the
realization of fourteen years of hopes, to gather the various reasons that explain,,,how Adolf Hitler has become the highest and only Führer of the German people.
Whether through good luck or providence, I found in the summer of 1920 a small
room in the Sterneckerbräu in which one Adolf Hitler, whom I had never heard of,
gave a speech to a few dozen people. His clear, logical and persuasive speech laid
out a new political program. This man expressed my own vague feelings as a
veteran of the war, making clear what was necessary for the nation's salvation.
He outlined a new Germany from the heart of a front soldier, a Germany that I
suddenly realized was the one that had to become reality!
This man had driving passion, persuasive logic, and astonishing knowledge. A powerful faith streamed from him — I had never experienced its like. What was
most remarkable was that I and the other entirely rational members of the
audience did not laugh as he in all seriousness explained that the flag of the new
movement for which he and his movement fought would one day fly over the Reichstag, over the Palace of Berlin, indeed over every German building. It wouldbe the victorious symbol of a new, honorable, nationalist and socialist Germany. At that moment in the Sterneckbräu there were really only two possibilites.  Either I would leave this fool immediately, or — as I did — accept the conviction:  This man will save Germany, if anyone can!”
A racial relationship is also evident in the same or similar cultural
products, sagas, legends and customs.
What were and are the particular characteristics of the NordicRace?
Courage, bravery, creative ability and desire, loyalty.
The German people is, along with the English, Danish, Norwegian and
Swedish, the most racially pure of the European peoples. With regards
to the purity of language, the Scandinavian peoples are in first place.
Its Gothic script
is particularly lovely, and it should be maintained…
**because some of the material is so offensive, I’ve omitted parts.  If you would like the entire (quite long) propaganda packet, including this speech, unedited, then lset me know.  the material dates from 1931 or 1932 all the way to post-war 1945, Maybe later.  As far as I know, Dr. Bytwerk translated ALL of thes information from german to english.  I also have his blog and website info if interested (he is a practicing professor & historian).**
“q & a session . . . . . . .”
…..Which race must the National Socialist race fight against?
The jewish.
….While the German people was fighting a life and death battle during the
World War, the Jew incited people at home and seduced them into
treason. The November Revolution of 1918 that brought about
Germany's collapse was the work of the Jew.
In countless newspapers in Germany and abroad, he brought everything
German into the mud, slandering us and inciting our enemies even more
than they already were. His lackeys in leading positions in the Reich
persecuted the National Socialist movement, bringing the fighters for a
new Germany before judges and throwing them into prison.
He corrupted Germans through bad books, and mocked true literature
and German music, replacing it with ungermanic music. Everywhere, his
influence was destructive.
What is racial defilement?
Forgetting our spirit and our blood. A careless disregard of our nature
and a contempt for our blood. No German man may take a Jewish
woman as his wife, and no German girl may marry a Jew. Those who do
that exclude themselves from the community of the German people.
What must the National Socialist movement do?
Adolf Hitler said:
"Care must be taken, at least in our nation, that the
deadliest enemy (the Jew) is recognized, and that the battle against him
is seen as the shining symbol of a brighter day that will also show other
peoples the path to the salvation of fighting Aryan humanity."
Hitler makes this primary directive sound like the German people are attacking the devil himself for their own salvation (which is probably about how he felt about the issue)
Which European people disregard the racial question?
France. It has accepted large numbers of blacks into its army. It has
given them the same political rights as the whites. Thus it can happen
that black officers command whites. Blacks and Moroccans fought
against Germany in the World War…. **(parts are omitted here)**
…..Germans — never forget that!
What does your people mean to you?
You are born into your people, my child, of a German mother. Your
father is a German. And you belong to the German people just as every
part of your body belongs to you. You are a link in a great chain, a part of
the whole. Alone, you are nothing, but when you live in your people you
are everything. Your people's destiny is your destiny. Its struggles and
sorrows, its joys and its miseries, are yours. All Germans are your
brothers. You may not think, want or do anything that harms your
people! The history of your people is great and glorious, and you can be
proud of it. The days of betrayal and the years of shame that Germany
had to endure between 1918 and 1933 are a warning to you. You must
work and create for the resurrection of your Fatherland.
The greatness of your people
calls you to loyalty! Never forget that
Frederick the Great and Bismarck were your brothers, as are those
heroes of the World War who sleep in foreign soil or in the depths of the
sea! The war memorials in the streets of the cities and the market places
of the villages call to you. Never forget that we cheerfully shed our 
for you, for Germany's holy soil, for the good and the life of this great
****trust me, the political jargon gets a lot worse than this as time passes.
[Page copyright © 2003 by Randall Bytwerk. (i have all his info if interested)

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